
Our volunteers, whether teens, adults, or groups, help engage, teach, and inspire visitors.

Through a volunteer’s graciously donated time and talents, CMON can better meet our mission to provide an exciting, inspiring environment where children and their families play, learn, and dream together.

We are always seeking energetic individuals to help us bring CMON to life. Volunteers of all abilities, interests, and schedules are needed. All volunteer candidates are subject to criminal background checks.

Kids playing in the water
Volunteer Commitments Levels
  • Ongoing: Volunteer for regular shifts (weekly, every other week, or monthly) on a long-term basis. Shifts may change as needed, but the volunteer expects to fulfill their duties for an extended period.
  • Short-Term: Perfect for partial year residents, students, and those with limited availability – volunteer for regularly scheduled shifts for shorter periods.
  • Special Events: Volunteer for special museum events, including holiday events, internal and external events. Volunteers of any commitment level may sign up to volunteer at special events in addition to their regularly scheduled shifts.
  • Teen Volunteer Program: The mission of the Teen Volunteer program is to inspire, train, and engage teen students to prepare them for future careers.
  • Internships: If you are a college student looking for an internship to learn and grow, CMON is the perfect place. Visit our internships page here for openings and descriptions.
Who Can Volunteer?
  • Individuals: Any adult or teenager (age 14 and older) may apply to volunteer with the museum. Volunteers fill various roles such as greeting or interacting with visitors, working behind the scenes on exhibits or special projects, or assisting with field trips or birthday parties.
  • Groups: College, high school, social, corporate, and other nonprofit groups are all welcome. The primary contact will be established for the group. The group leader’s responsibility will coordinate for the group to arrive at the museum for the scheduled volunteer assignment. Group volunteers are primarily project and special event based. This is a perfect program for groups that want to volunteer their time together. Group members must be at least 15 years old.
Adult Volunteers

Adult Volunteers assist in sparking curiosity and igniting a love of lifelong learning by interpreting exhibit content to children, helping to prepare programming materials, facilitating special STEAM-themed activities, and supporting staff at community events. Volunteer schedules are flexible, and no experience is necessary.

 A variety of positions are available, including:

  • Administrative and Clerical Support: Many departments in the museum need temporary and long-term volunteer assistance with data entry, filing, research, and other miscellaneous office duties. Volunteers will have the opportunity to assist in areas where they feel their skills are strongly matched to our needs. Some positions require Microsoft Word and Excel knowledge, while others may require filing forms, tracking data, research for special projects, or outbound phone calls.
  • Exhibit Assistant: Assist with groups and families visiting the museum by enthusiastically interpreting exhibits content. Help transform the visitor experience into one they are sure to remember. Must enjoy working collaboratively with young children and adults.
  • Facilities/Grounds Keeping Volunteer: From cleaning and planting outdoors for a beautiful appearance to building display cases or helping clean exhibit areas, volunteers in this department help the museum function and always look extraordinary.
  • Museum Store Associate: Assists guests to select merchandise, restock inventory, and do daily light housekeeping to maintain the appearance of the museum Store. Skills needed are working with a point-of-sale system (training provided), good communication skills, and a desire to work with the public. 
  • Outreach Support: Assist our Programs and Education team with outreach efforts, helping to extend CMON reach beyond the museum’s walls.
  • Special Event Staff: Assist with museum events, after-hours programs, and outreaches, including guest check-in, food and beverage services, and clean-up. Skills needed include good communication skills, a desire to work with the public and lift 20 pounds comfortably.
  • Summer Camp Support: Help our team host its award-winning camps right here at CMON! 
Teen Volunteer Program

Candidates for the Teen Volunteer Program must be high school students ages 14-18 with a mature, positive attitude and a strong work ethic. The schedule will vary weekly, based on the number of projects to be completed. The time commitment can range from four to eight hours per week, with a minimum of 20 hours completed per term. Service hours will be documented and may be submitted for school-based community service credits. 

 A variety of positions are available, including:

  • Birthday Experience Assistant: Assist with Birthday Experience room set up and clean up and preparation of materials. Skills needed include good communication skills and a desire to work with the public.
  • Exhibit Assistant: Assist with groups and families visiting the museum by enthusiastically interpreting exhibits content. Help transform the visitor experience into one they are sure to remember. Must enjoy working collaboratively with young children and adults.
  • Special Event Staff: Assist with museum events, after-hours programs, and outreaches, including guest check-in, food and beverage services, and clean-up. Skills needed include good communication skills, a desire to work with the public and lift 20 pounds comfortably.
Volunteer FAQ

How do I apply?

You may apply online by filling out the complete application. Please provide a working email address you can regularly check to receive email communication and newsletters and check your museum volunteer schedule.

How often are volunteer interviews conducted?

Interviews for volunteer positions occur throughout the week and even on weekends. Based on your interview selection date, it may be 2-3 weeks from the date of your initial application when you are interviewed. If you cannot come in for your selected interview date or need to change it, please call the Volunteer Central hotline at 239-260-1718. You will be contacted via email or phone to schedule another interview date. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, if you cancel or do not show up for an interview date two times, we will assume you are not interested.

What do I need to bring to an interview?

  • Driver’s License or Florida State ID
  • Resume
  • A list of at least three references

If I am interviewed, does it mean I automatically become a volunteer?

Unfortunately, not all potential volunteers receive a volunteer placement. We have specific needs and requirements throughout the museum, and not all candidates qualify. Some departments within the museum will require a second interview via phone or in person. All initial placements are considered temporary. We will work to find a post that is a good match for you and CMON. 

If I want to apply but work full or part-time elsewhere, are there still times I can volunteer?

Yes. The museum is open seven days a week from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. We also have several evening special events throughout the year. 

Is there an age requirement?

Fifteen years of age and over. 

May I complete court-ordered community service at the museum?

No, currently, we do not accommodate court-ordered community service assignments. All volunteer candidates are subject to criminal background checks.

If I have the opportunity to become a museum volunteer, how often will I volunteer?

Volunteer Services staff will help you determine your initial schedule, and your specific department will help to complete it. Some volunteers work once or twice a week, whereas some volunteers are here only for special events. Some departments have a minimum schedule of twice a month. Dependability is a must, but flexibility is possible.

Will I have to attend training if I am placed as a volunteer?

Yes, there is a variety of training required for volunteers.

  • Day One training
  • Department Training depending on where you are placed.
  • When the museum opens a new permanent exhibit, you will also be required to attend a “101” training session specific to the exhibit, typically offered before the opening date.

If I become a volunteer, can I be terminated from my volunteer assignment?

Volunteer Services follows consistent staff policy practices and reserves the right to terminate a volunteer if museum policies or standards are violated, and corrective action is not taken.

If you would like to join our fantastic team of CMON Volunteers, please fill out an application.

You should receive an automatic email confirming that we have received your application. If you do not receive this email, please contact us at [email protected].