
Invest in a child’s future.

As a nonprofit, the Golisano Children’s Museum of Naples creates unique educational experiences and expands access to underserved communities.

But we can’t do it alone. We rely on the help of our community members and corporate sponsors. Your tax-deductible gift to the museum, regardless of amount or designation, is essential to fulfilling the Museum’s mission. 

There has never been a better time to donate to CMON than right now. And we’ve got plenty of ways for you to chip in and make a difference!

Ways To Give:

  • Monthly Giving
  • Tribute and Memorial Gifts
  • Employer Matching Gifts
  • Employer Charitable Giving Programs
  • Endowments
  • Corporate Sponsorships
  • One-Time Gifts

CMON is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the law.


Philanthropy Contact

Laura Richardson Bright